
Fee Details
Fees will be quoted after we have seen your material and know the word count. To ask how best to submit material for a quote, please use the Contact Us section.

Kish Academic Editing calculates fees according to hourly rates, which are determined by the complexity of the job, the degree of editorial expertise required, and the project’s timeline. Cost estimates are usually made on the basis of an initial sample edit (gratis) of a 1,000-word passage. (FYI: the standard “page” of text contains 250 words.)

Keep in mind that a thorough copyedit requires three passes; this is spelled out in detail in the e-mail letter of authorization that constitutes the formal contract. Work is billed by invoice; payment is due upon receipt.

Faculty and graduate students are encouraged to explore the possibility of applying their professional development, continuing education, or fellowship stipends toward Kish Academic Editing fees. Extramural (grant) funds might also help to cover editing consultant fees.